“Ode to Mary” By Ronid Chingangbam and Haripriya Soibam


O Mary! Today again
You bring merry to the crying mountains
O Let me celebrate the power of your punch
Let me forget today these streets of protest
Let them be filled with flowers and laughters

Let the roads be adorned

with the splendor of victory
Let me gulp down these tears of joy

Very rarely I get to see them

in the eyes of my folks

Tired skies

Burst forth with the thunder of applause

Laboured hours

now returned with promises

O Mary! teach my generation your footsteps
all they know is how to die in the streets
under the leather boots.

Body nourished with stone and earth

Let it shatter striking whips

Skin and sweat

simmers with leftover meals

mixes with dreams

consumed in sudden pangs of hunger

Every morsel grew in your blood

Renders fragrant the scent of dreams

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