Zomi group pleads for adequate power devolution to ADCs


Lamka, Sep 14 : The Zomi Economic Planning and Development Agency , ZEPADA, in a statement today said the devolution of powers to the ADC`s has been a major cause of concern for them as it is the only institutions to strengthen grassroot level institutions to bring about local economic development .

The statement issued by its I & Pub department has said in order to meterialised the dream of “Manipur Shinning” it submitted proposal to the state government for delegation of proper powers to the ADC`s in tribal areas while expressing appreciation the SPF government under the stewardship of O . Ibobi Singh for holding the election after a long gap of morethan 29 years .

It said the ADC gave a ray of hope to hill people when the status of counsellors were upgraded and the administrative set up being enhanced to handle the onerous task of developing the dvelopment deficit hill areas of the state

Going by the recent decisions of the state government on devolution of powers to the ADC`s , the initial hope and expectations of hill tribes has been shuttered it said maintaining claims made by the state government in favour if giving sufficient powers to the ADCs are questionable

It said what is being approved by the state government is an empty vessels bound to render the ADC as a toothless institution as no substantial powers powers are given to handle subjects enshrined in the ADC, Act 2008 while adding what good is there if we turn our counsellors into a mere filed staffs to collect electrict fees and so on and fixed responsibilities on them and not any corresponding duties .

It urged the Hill Areas Committee , HAC, as well the government to review the matter in the interest of the public.


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