Mao Breeder Seed Potato Farm gets first installment of DoNER tonic


IMPHAL, Dec 5: The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, (DoNER) and the Ministry of Home Affairs has accorded sanction amounting Rs 165.38 lakhs to the state government as first installment of the grant for implementation of the scheme on ‘Strengthening and continuous production of  basic seeds in the Breeder Seed Potato Farm, Mao at Senapati district.
This followed the approval of the said scheme by the Central government on November 10.
According to a highly placed source, the ministry of DoNER wrote an official letter to the Principal Accounts Officer of Ministry of Home Affairs’ government of India recently for the release of the said amount under the NEC to the Manipur state for the year 2010-11.
As per the DoNER letter, the said grant for the state  is towards plan expenditure and should be utilized on the programme as per approved guidelines of the NEC and no deviation from the provisions of guideline is permissible. Further, while implementing the programs, the implementing agency is also required to follow the DPR submitted by the concerned authority for the purpose on the basis of which the NEC has decided to find this programs. Any deviation from the relvant DPR would have to be intimated to the NEC and the NEC reserves the right to revise the approved cost of the project on the basis of the deviation proposed. Hence, any deviation, if required at all must be made with prior approval of the competent authority in NEC.
The instructions from the ministry of DoNER further mentioned that,  state government should release its share for this installment immediately on the receipt of the said Central share for the said programme as per guidelines of this scheme, further it is also advised that state government must furnish the certificate of actual utilization of the grant within twelve month of the closure of the accounts. In respect of expenditure by the state government through local bodies or private institutes, the utilization certificate is required to be furnished by the state government.
It also officially mentioned that, the entire assistance in the form of grants is  provisional and is subjected to adjustment on the basis of additional figures  of expenditures of grant is debitable to the Major Head 360, grant in aid to the state government, 05-grants for Special Plan Scheme, 5.101 – scheme of North Eastern Council (NEC), 02- Special Development Project02.00.31 Grants – in- Aid under Grant No. 28 other expenditure of the Ministry of DoNER for 2010-11, the official directives mentioned.


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