Vice President releases Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)-2010


IMPHAL, Jan 14: The Vice President, M Hamid Ansari released the “Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), 2010 at a function
held at New Delhi today.
According to a release of PIB, Imphal the Vice President addressing on the occasion, he has said that ASER’s simple reliable
and scientific methods of sampling the assessment on a nation wide scale are important for highlighting the “quality agenda”
in education. This more glaring in the context of our public policy because we neither have an inbuilt evaluation culture nor
adequate trained human resources with both technical knowledge and field experience to check and monitor outcome.
The release further mentioned that, Ansari has further said that, quality indeed lies at the heart of the goal of “Education
for All”. What happens in classrooms and other learning environments is vitally important to the future of our citizens and
indeed to the future of our Republic. Education of acceptable quality must address basic learning needs; enrich the lives of
learners and their overall experience of living and well being.
The release added that, the Vice president has said that evidence from around the world demonstrates that “effort to expand
enrolment must be accompanied by attempts to enhance educational quality if children are to be attracted to school, stay
there and achieve meaningful learning outcomes”. Public policy can address these challenges with a sharp focus on two issues,
quality improvement in teacher training and curricular materials development. It is also essential that what students are
meant to learn ought to be clearly defined, well-taught and accurately assessed. Ideally, this should not be limited to
knowledge alone but cover skills, attitudes and values, the VP said, the released added.


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