180 state civil service officers to be recruited


IMPHAL, Feb 26: Considering the problems arising out of the shortages of the MCS, MPS, MFS, MSS, SDC and EO in the administrations of the districts of the state, state cabinet in the recent meeting has approved the requisition of MPSC for direct recruitment to MCS, MPS, MFS, MSS, SDC and EO after reviewing the decision of the cabinet during the cabinet meeting held on July, 15 last year for the requisition of 180 posts for MCS, MPS, MFS, MSS, SDC and EO.

According to a highly placed official source, the earlier cabinet meeting held on July, 15 last year had decided for the direct recruitment of 19 MCS, 65 MPS, 37 MFS, 25 MSS, 31 and 3 EOs.

The source said the recent state cabinet held under chairmanship of the Chief Minister, O Ibobi Singh at his official chamber has worked out and confirmed the numbers of officers to be recruited in consultation with the concerned departments. Regarding the direct appointment of post of MCS, the mumber which are to be appointed as re-affirmed to 19.

Regarding MPS, DGP, Manipur Y Joykumar during the meeting has expressed reservation that taking in 65 MPC-II officers by direct recruitment in a particular year would be create serious cadres management problems and has suggested for recruiting only 25 MPS-II officers by direct recruitment.

Further, regarding, MFS, it has been ascertained that the correct number of vacancies for direct recruitment in MFS-III will be 23 (not 37). Regarding SDCs, the Revenue Department has been consulted. They have now informed vide their letter dated July, 22 last year that there are 43 vacancies (as against 31 informed verbally earlier) for direct recruitment.

Considering all official documentation placed before the recent cabinet meeting state cabinet has approved for the amendment of the earlier decision and approved to conduct fresh requisition to the MPSC for the recruitment of 138 officers which includes 19 MCS-II, 25 MPS-II, 23 MFS-III, 23 MSS-V, 25 SDCs and 43 Election Officers (EOs) through the Manipur Civil Service Combined Competitive Examination, the source added.


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