Home team YMC defeats XI Boys


IMPHAL, March 27: Home team YMC defeated XIth Boy’s by 4-1 in the final of the 1st N Chandeshwor Memorial Mens Open Football tournament played at the YMC ground today.
 While XI boys took the lead in the 20th minute of play through a goal from Chakrabati, a double in quick succession from Naoton of YMC in the 46th and 49th minute took game away from the XI boys.
Ratan and Gonmei scored one each for the home team in the 54th and 57th minute.
The home team and the winner of the tournament, Youth Model Club bagged Rs 30, 000 in prize money while XI Boys picked the 20, 000 prize money.
During the prize distribution ceremony,  which was attended by N Loken minister MI vety and social welfare, S Joy Singh donated Rs 10, 000 to the organizers, while M Shyambabu Singh, CE, MI donated another Rs 30, 000.
G Seityabati, director Social welfare also donated another Rs 30,000 while H Chaoba Singh deputy directorvety & AH donated another Rs 30, 000.


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