Textbook scarcity persists, students leaders fight on


IMPHAL, May 12 (NNN): Intensifying its protests against the unavailability of school textbooks in the market, four students `™ unions of the State`“All Manipur Students`™ Union (AMSU), Democratic Students`™ Association Manipur (DESAM), Manipur Students`™ Federation (MSF) and Kangleipak Students`™ Association (KSA)`“today lambasted the State government of playing with the life of the students.

Speaking to the media at the office of AMSU in DM College campus at about 5 pm today the students`™ bodies said that their stake-outs and vigils and a tip-off by a teacher led to the discovery on May 11 of some 6000 school books being stashed away clandestinely inside Shakhi Devi High School in Uripok.

Unfortunately, as the students`™ activists went to the school to survey and ascertain the fact, police had intervened, they said.

They complained that even as a summer vacation was supposed to begin next month, schools in Imphal valley have declared the vacation prematurely, depriving the students of education.

The fact that the government is only interested in recruiting teachers and not concern about textbooks not being available in the market speaks a lot about the rot in the education system and corruption, the students`™ activists said. `Printing of textbooks is hardly profitable while recruiting teachers involve exchange of fat money within the government,` they said.

Romen of AMSU, Thoithoi of DESAM, Anash Shah of MSF and Nanao of KSA were present in the press meet today.


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