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Sadar hills chiefs allege illegal confiscation of village files by govt agents

IMPHAL, June 26 (Newmai News Network): The Sardar Hills Chiefs Association (SAHILCA), Manipur has alleged that the personal secretary to Manipur chief secretary in collaboration with unidentified armed persons broke open the rooms of Hill Department Secretariat on the night of June 23 and confiscated all the files relating to 96 villages which have been recognised by the state government.

The incident occured at around 9:30 pm on Thursday, according to the Sardar Hills chief`s body.

SAHILCA then said that following this incident, under secretary (DP) had issued suspension orders of the commissioner (Hills) and the Under Secretary (Hills) on June 25. It alleged that the suspension orders were issued by the Under Secretary (DP) following the pressure from the chief minister and the Tribal Development minister. “this autocratic action of the chief minister and the TD minister was taken as a very shameful act which was an insult to the democratic government,” said the chiefs association. SAHILCA then threatened to take up drastic action if the files are not returned to the Hill Department (government of Manipur ). It also asked the state government to revoke the suspension orders of the Commissioner (Hills) and the Under Secretary (Hills) at the immediately. If the demands are not fulfilled, the T.D minister should be held responsible for any fallout.



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