Invitation for MSAD Annual Magazine “MAHEIROI”


Office of Manipur Students’ Association Delhi, New Delhi

Invitation for MSAD Annual Magazine “MAHEIROI”
11 August 2011

Ref: 20110810 Maheiroi

It is hereby notified to all the students from Manipur pursuing education in Delhi that Manipur Students’ Association Delhi invites poems, prose and short stories from interested Manipur students for publication in the annual magazine “MAHEIROI” on or before 30th of August 2011. Any student who is willing to either co-operate with the editorial board that have been constituted on the basis of nomination by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Advisors and Academic Committee or join the editorial board may apply for membership latest by 20th of August 2011.

NB: Please attach your latest passport size photo and photocopy of identity card while submitting works or application form for membership to the editorial board

For more information please contact MSAD at:
Phone: 9250446722, 7838983871, 8802201824


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