Decades old Sadar Hills Demand


Dear Sir,

It is disheartening to see the report about the PIL filed by RK Joysana, a self proclaimed social worker, against the SHDDC leaders and many law enforcing agents of the government of India and Manipur. It’s time that the SHDDC leader also file PIL against the Manipur Government headed by Ibobi for not upgrading the Sadar Hills ADC into a full fledged district, even though the Manipur Hill Areas District Council Act 1971 has made Sadar Hills an Autonomous District Council which will have to be upgraded as a district in due course of time. While the five other ADCs had been upgraded to a full fledged district, Sadar Hills remains. And it is almost four decade that the people of Sadar Hills have been waiting this declaration. Any untoward incidents happening will be solely borne by the government for not fulfilling the legitimate aspirations of the people of Sadar Hills.

It has to be noted that the SHDDC leaders had given time to the Manipur government through petitions to take decision in July 2011. However, the government did not even pay heed to such democratic means. As a result the bandh was enforced. With regard to bandhs NEHU teacher Xavier P Mao, during the peak of UNC bandh against election of ADCs in 2010, said that in a democratic nation like India, unless the citizens’ resort to violent agitations, their grievances are not considered. For which, bandh and blockade become one of the basic means of the weaker section of the society to address their problems against the dominant section and draw attention of the authorities concerned.

It is also pertinent to point out that while the lawless people under the leadership of AMUCO has razed the decades old library and assembly building by arson during the protest against the extension of ceasefire between the government of India and NSCN (IM) in 2001, and even in the BT Road incident bandh was called for four months in the valley, no action was taken against the leaders or PIL filed against the law enforcing agents of the government. This shows the true colour of the communal spirited so called social worker.

It is high time that the government of Manipur deeply ponders upon this issue and takes quick action unless the issue-less issue takes an ugly turn.

Nohkhopao Touthang,
New Delhi.



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