MSAD International Human Rights Day Observation, Delhi

MSAD International Human Rights Day Observation, Delhi

Office of the Manipur Students’ Association Delhi, New Delhi


Ref No.: MSAD/2011-12/PR/2
Date: 10th December 2011


The Editor (s),

Subject: Request to publish a news report on the Observance Programme of International Human Rights Day as a news item on public interest.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Manipur Students’ Association Delhi (MSAD) had participated in an observance programme on the day of the International Human Rights Day, at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. The programme was observed jointly by various institutions, civil organizations and other different student communities wherein almost more than 200 members were present. We also took a march from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar before we settle at Jantar Mantar.

The members took a deliberate discussions and debates on the issues of human rights and its violations in different parts of the world specially India. Many of the members opined for an objective and a democratic procedure for the movement against human rights violations and deprivations.

MSAD International Human Rights Day Observation, Delhi

As one of the organizers of the programme, MSAD had also put a few words on the very issue. MSAD said, today i.e. the “10th of December must be the world’s, mostly the workers’ and the peasants’ happiest day, for, their rights of being human have been suppressed, oppressed and exploited by the bourgeois. However, we the people have been fighting back with positive determinations for these very rights of our own, for more than thousands of years.

If these suppressors, oppressors and exploiters don’t try to give us back the very rights of us, as they have been doing for the last thousands of years, then, we the people would be compelled and determined to fight them for the same, even forcefully, if needed, so that we can teach them a lesson so as to make them understand the real meaning of life, for they are still acting so childishly as far as their minds are concerned. Also, it’s the time that we through our togetherness make such people understand how much wrong they are doing and what can it bring to our societies? So as to gain these very rights, we will be very much needed to fight back with a sense of togetherness.

And, I on behalf of MSAD, assure you all here that, we will always be there to fight for such causes. Also, on this day, we extend our solemn solidarity to those around the globe who are struggling for rights and the democratic movements which are in every part of the world.”

So, I, the undersigned request you to kindly publish the reported news and also the enclosed released statement as a news item on public interest.

With regards,

Mk. Shafikul Haque
President, MSAD

Apunbana Yaipharae
Unity is Victory


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