Saikot JAC says government ignoring upgrading Saikot to sub division


From Kaimuanthang
LAMKA, November 6: The Joint Action Committee demanding Saikot sub-division while putting another rider to the representation it has submitted to the Chief Minister O. Ibobi Singh has tendered another memorandum yesterday in which it stated that inspite of upgrading Tuibuong and Sangngaikot into the status of sub divisional level from TD blocks the Saikot TD block has been left out by the state government.

This is so despite the fact that the new sub-divisions were created according to a Governor directive of December 2003 which had also included the creation of the Saikot TD Block, the memorundum said

It said Saikot TD Block by all accounts is the most deserving bock worthy of elevation to SDO circles yet it has been left out which has shocked the people of the region and stunned while terming this as a step motherly treatment.

It said that since many years the people of the area have been waiting for the upgradation of the blocks into SDO level as in other blocks.

It said under the Saikot TD block there are 19,526 population with 3, 222 household with 39 villages in a strategic location with government institution and offices like those of the PHC, ITI, nurse training centre and fairy develop state highways, post offices and many other infrastructures however it is yet to be upgraded to a sub division level.

Meanwhile according to a source there are six assembly constituencies under Ccpur at present out of which the only one left out from being upgraded to a sub division is Saikot and for the matter it have not been upgraded.


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