Bina Nusantara Computer Club – Alpha Innovation September 2012 – Jakarta, Indonesia


ALVION  (Alpha Inovation )

The deadline for proposal and prototype submission is August 4, 2012

In this September, there will be a big event  held by BNCC (Bina Nusantara Computer Club) called ALVION (Alpha Innovation). BNCC is a student organization in Bina Nusantara University ,Jakarta, Indonesia based on computer. This event is very suitable to all scholars that interested in making application or web. Alvion is a combination of two words, Alpha and Innovation, Alpha that presented the first word in Alphabet, and Innovation. The meaning of those words are that we want to be a place where all new innovation appear especially in IT

Bina Nusantara Computer Club - Alpha Innovation September 2012

For this year, there are two categories in this competition,  the first one is Mobile Application and the other  is Web Developing. We choose those categories because web and mobile rapidly growth this year.
This event is divided into three parts, competition, exhibition, and championship dinner. To join the competition, the participant just need to make and register their concept and send the prototype in the ALVION website in a team of 2 people .  One thing that people must know is the participant must be an active college student or scholar. For the criteria, you can see it in ALVION website. After that the jury will choose the best 15 team  from each category to come to Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia and compete with other finalist.

Beside competition, the other part of event is exhibition, in the exhibition, the participant can introduce the application that they make to the visitor and make them vote their application. And the last part of event called Championship dinner, it’s a dinner for all participants and that’s the time to announce the winner. The winner will get big money prize.
This event will be a good change for a scholar that interested in IT Development to show their talent in web decelopment and mobile application. Beside that with this event, we hope that we can give solution for IT problems around the worlds in this evolution era.

Summary :

What categories will be held in the competition? There will be two categories that will be held in the competition which is Web Development and Mobile Application.

How to participate? To participate, the participants must send their prototype, – and this is applicable for both categories – to our email before the 4th of August 2012.

What will you gain from this competition? For the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winner, will get your special prize. Not only that, from entering this competition you will get the experience when competing with the countries from Pacific Asia.

 * The above event details is sent to KanglaOnline by Cindy Meiliana , she can be reached at cindymeiliana{at}gmail{dot}com



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