Nagaland: Sazo comes down heavily on bogus societies, asks citizens to be aware of such developments


NEPS News Service

Nagaland, KOHIMA, June 26: Parliamentary Secretary for Social Welfare, Child and Women Development, Chotisuh Sazo, has come down heavily on those “bogus societies and their agents” in Nagaland for duping hundreds of gullible  Nagas particularly the students and educated youth in the State with various false promises of providing Central schemes and jobs etc.

The Parliamentary Secretary, while talking to NEPS News Service here on Tuesday, had clarified that the so-called “Society for Child and Women Empowerment (SCWE)” which was currently on news for duping several gullible Nagas under their scheme called “The Rising East” had neither connection with Social Welfare Department nor Child and Women Development Department in the State.

In order to clear confusion which cropped up after the so-called bogus “Society for Child and Women Empowerment” floating schemes like “The Rising East” by even giving advertisements in local dailies, Sazo said the Social Welfare, Child and Women Development Departments in the State were dealing with all the schemes and programs from the Ministries of Child and Women Development Departments.

He further explained that Women Development Department was especially looking for women under State Programs. The Nagaland State Social Welfare Board headed by one Chairperson with two Members had been dealing with all the women related programs from the National Social Welfare Board (NSWB).

The State Government was also implementing programs under Integrated Child Protection Scheme with registered societies under State Government funded by the Ministries of Child and Women Development, Government of India. Besides this, they were also implementing a new scheme called “Women Resource Center” in Nagaland, Sazo disclosed and stated that they were not aware of the so-called “Society for Child and Women Empowerment” doing any scheme under any of their Ministries and Departments.

Warning the citizens to be aware of such bogus societies and agents, the Parliamentary Secretary also discouraged parents against easily handing over their children to those NGOs or agents who promised to provide educations and jobs to their children in other major cities of India. He reminded the parents that in most of the cases, their children landed in brothels and many of them were also used in factories, restaurants, etc. in a very inhuman manner.

Sazo also informed the general public that any society which was taking their children and women outside the State for educational purposes, a proper verification and approval should be taken from his Departments so as to save their children from landing in those unwanted situations.


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