Life Process and Social Process


By Bobo Khuraijam
The excitement of examination getting over especially during the school days was boundless. A long list of things to be done after the exam would creep in our thought. Fairly a lot, the list would occupy our mental space. So many pieces of those thoughts would get scattered in so many places. Some of them would dance between the algebraic formulas. A few of them would get stuck in between the chemical equations. Many of them would sit down along with the conjugation of sentences.They were the list of films to be watched, places to be visited, dishes to be nourished and many – many more things.Final examination of eight standards was a major turning point of our school days. We were made to believe that by our seniorswho precedes us one year in class. True, it was an excitement surpassing all standards.


all new books, exercise note books, the smell was new. We like the smell of new books;each pages of the books clean and untouched. Writing down our names on the fresh cover of the books was a delight. The book that we laid our hand was the biology book. We would flicker the pages until we find the chapter of ‘Life Process II’. We knew this particular chapter was there in advance. Our seniors had fueled enough excitement that touching the biology book virtually created a spark with very high energy. There was this chapter called ‘Life Process II’. The chapter deals with sexual reproduction of human being. Detail diagram of the male and female sexual organs are printed over the pages. We would giggle gazing the diagram. We were excited because it was going to be taught as a lesson in the class. We were going to learn how ‘we’ are made. Being a co-ed school, the idea of learning the lesson jointly expanded the dimension of our excitement. By that time,we had all crossed puberty before we reach standard nine. We knew about the biological changes that had developed in our bodies. We had no one to share about our bodily changes except with our peer group. Of new discoveries, of emotional upheavals, of queries; which of course, some of them are answered in pure biological terms, for most of them are left unanswered.Discussing the topic is a taboo in the family. To be honest, pornographic material was accessible easily. We got it smuggled from the secret collections of our elders. We remember how we roam around the theatres in the town just to watch the ‘A’ certified movies. We remember how we gazed the adult magazines, that too from our elders’ top-secret collection. We watched it under the bed with torchlight. But still; we dared not ask about sex-education and its nuances to our parents or elders.


as we grow up we learned that ‘Life Process II’ is fundamental in the biological continuity of the human race.Sexual urge which is as normal as hunger and thirst, but … yes, we better burrowed it from Bertrand Russell himself -SEX, more than any other element in human life, is still viewed by many, perhaps by most, in an irrational way. Homicide, pestilence, insanity, gold and precious stones – all the things, in fact, that are the objects of passionate hopes or fears – have been seen, in the past, through a mist of magic or mythology; but the sun of reason has now dispelled the mist, except here and there. The densest cloud that remains is in the territory of sex, as is perhaps natural since sex is concerned in the most passionate part of most people`s lives.We at the Leipung, sincerely do not wish to complicate today’s muse by roping in a name and his thought. We strongly feel the pertinence of relying on some great mind thathas dwelled in this crucial aspect. Coincidentally, our lamchat saajat or social morality has to do a lot with the biological behavior of an individual or a group, in this particular part of the world. A world where nobody seems to take care of anybody, but everybody exercise their sense of authority and might to anybody. As some Leipung members have asserted that the yardstick of measuring the genuineness of Lamchat Saajat is, my dear: the sunrise and the sunset. And who determines the sunrise and sunset? It is again not that easy to answer. It is here, that we deeply feel the need of a chapter in our social process – let it be called the ‘Social Process II’, where we can have a clear picture of what is acceptable and not acceptable as far as our sexual behavior is concern. Let it not end at the ‘Restaurant Drives’ or at the front page of a newspaper, or as a news item at the television channel. Let it not decide by a few individuals who ruminate as the ultimate authority of deciding the moral yardstick. Let it not be blinded by self-conceited vision of unreasoned. Let there be light!


there has been a hyperbolic tendency mediatizing every event. The recent molestation case of  an Assamese girl by a mob of male has been uploaded in the cyber space. Leipung Ningthou calls it,

“laamei chaakli ngeida media gi maalangbana pharak ta humlakpa”.


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