Alternative Arrangement outside Government of Manipur pending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue – Demand for immediate intervention thereof by Government of India


28th January, 2013
Dr. Manmohan Singh
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block
New Delhi

Hon’ble Sir,

Alternative Arrangement outside Government of Manipur pending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue – Demand for immediate intervention thereof by Government of India.

We refer to our Memorandum dated 27th November, 2012 jointly signed by the United Naga Council(UNC) and 22 other Naga frontal organisations and constituent tribe units urging your good office for an early and honourable settlement of the Indo-Naga political issue based on the recognition of the “unique history and situation of the Nagas”. We had also expressed therein, our concern about the postures being adopted by certain groups without any historical or political basis in connivance with the communal Government of Manipur(GoM) with the intention of disturbing the Indo-Naga peace process and had urged against taking cognizance of such frivolous postulation.

We also invite reference to our Memorandum dated 23rd December, 2012 and the subsequent Memorandum dated 30th December, 2012 urging for Immediate intervention of the Government of India(GoI) on the communal onslaught on the Nagas in Manipur by the dominant community of Imphal valley, the Imphal valley based militants and the communal GoM during the indefinite bandh imposed in Imphal valley with effect from midnight of 21st December in protest against the reported incident of the manhandling of an actress Ms. Momoko by one Mr. Livingstone, a cadre of the NSCN(IM) at Chandel on 18 December, 2012. The main target of the communal forces was to disturb the celebration of Christmas. It is a premeditated attack on Nagas and on Christians. A localized incident, which had no political or communal implication has been exploited and blown out of proportion. The intention for the same is also clear which is to disturb the impending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue by wiping up communal response from the Imphal valley. The civil society, militant groups and political parties of Imphal valley and the entire state machinery of the GoM have all been engaged to sabotage the Indo-Naga peace process which seeks to address the political aspiration of the Naga people.

Sir, as your good self had observed, we live in the present state of Manipur in a communally surcharged environment which is worsening by the day. Nagas have been exercising outmost restraint and the 72 hours bandh in Naga areas from the midnight of 26th December, 2012 to the midnight of 29th December, 2012 was observed largely on precautionary considerations to prevent any untoward incident in Naga areas given the assaults, taunting, humiliations and torturous hardship systematically inflicted upon Nagas in Imphal during the Christmas eve.

We reiterate that Nagas are not communal and ours is a political issue. What we do not wish for is for any communal conflagration to take place because of the inability on the part of the GoM and the communal forces to accept the inevitable and the logical conclusion of the Naga peoples’ movement for their political aspirations rooted in their history and situation. What we wish for is the peaceful parting of ways and the securing of good neighbourliness for all times to come.

It is our concern that the settlement of the Indo-Naga issue is being delayed even after more than 15 years of negotiation by the GoI, which seems to be subjecting the process to the approval of a state of the Union which is not a party to the process. The delay is enthusing the GoM and communal forces that informs its decisions and policies to adopt more communal strategies.

We are concern that the GoI, notwithstanding the above Memorandum under reference and the foregoing, have not intervened to prevent a full scale communal conflict, which is clearly inevitable should the forced and undesirable union be allowed to fester deeper. The GoI would therefore be responsible for any unfortunate turn of events arising out of this situation.

However, we still retain our faith in the principles of democracy and fervently urge the GoI to take up the demand for an alternative arrangement for the Nagas in Manipur outside the GoM pending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue in all seriousness and sense of urgency.

The 4th round of tripartite talk of the GoI, GoM and the UNC on our demand for an alternative arrangement at Delhi on the 31st August, 2012 had concluded with a pronouncement by the GoI that the next round of talk would be held very soon in a hill venue in the state of Manipur.

It is therefore submitted that the GoI communicate the date for the 5th round of TPT on or before the 17th February, 2013 so that the democratic process of dialogue initiated by the GoI is brought to its logical conclusion. Should the requested response be not received in time we will have to take up course of actions in protests against the GoI’s disrespect and undermining the democratic process of dialogue and inaction in addressing the constitutional and democratic rights of the Nagas in Manipur.

Placing our confidence once again in your visionary and wise leadership.

Yours faithfully

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President General Secretary

Enclosed : 1. Copy of UNC Memorandum dated 27th November, 2012 for early and honourable settlement the Indo-Naga issue on the basis of unique history and situation of the Nagas.

2. Copy of UNC Memorandum dated 27th November, 2012 for Immediate intervention of the Government of India on the communal onslaught on the Nagas in Manipur by the dominant community of Imphal valley and the communal Government of Manipur.

3. Copy of Joint Memorandum submitted to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Union of India by the United Naga Council and the Tangkhul Naga Long on 30th December, 2012 for immediate intervention of the Government of India on the communal onslaught on the Nagas in Manipur by the dominant community of Imphal valley, valley militants and the communal Government of Manipur.

Copy for information and necessary action to :-
1. Shri Sushilkumar Shinde, Hon’ble Home Minister, Government of India, North Block, Delhi.
2. Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Hon’ble Leader of the Opposition, Union of India.
3. Shri Shambhu Singh, Jt. Secretary (North East), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, North Block, Delhi.

General Secretary

Copy 27th November, 2012
Dr. Manmohan Singh
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block
New Delhi

The Indo-Naga issue – early and honourable settlement on the basis of unique history and situation of the Nagas.
Hon’ble Sir,
We, the undersigned representing the Nagas in the present state of Manipur have felt it pertinent to make this submission at this crucial juncture to your good office for an early and honourable settlement of the Indo-Naga political issue based on the recognition of the “unique history and situation of the Nagas”.
While our people await the historic settlement in great anticipation, we are concerned by the postures being projected by certain groups particularly in the present state of Manipur, without any historical or political basis in connivance with the communal Government of Manipur with the intention of disturbing the Indo-Naga peace process. The communal forces particularly in Imphal valley have lately been on the offensive by equating the impending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue with a “time bomb” in public discourses and have been stridently inciting sentiments against the same. We strongly feel that taking cognizance of such frivolous postulation will be against the very spirit with which the unique history and situation of the Nagas have been recognised by the Government of India.
The conditions under which the Nagas in particular and the tribals in general subsist under the Government of Manipur are unconstitutional as the democratic rights and guaranteed protections of tribals have been submerged by the interest of the dominant valley community. The political position of the Nagas in demand for an alternative arrangement outside the Government of Manipur pending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue has been drawn from this very unmistakeable fact. This position has already been registered with the Government of India and as your good office is aware, the tripartite talk of the Government of India, Government of Manipur and the United Naga Council on this demand has already completed it’s fourth round.
Delay in the settlement of the Indo-Naga issue would tantamount to deprivation of democratic rights of the Nagas in Manipur to the extent of delay. It is therefore the moral responsibility of the Government of India to bring the Indo-Naga negotiation to its logical and honourable end at the earliest possible time.
We firmly believe that an honourable settlement of the Indo-Naga issue will bring peace not only in our land but also just peace for the entire north-east people and the region and also benefits from it in genuine and long terms.
We therefore request the intervention of your good office and exercise of political will to expedite the Indo-Naga peace process.
The Nagas in the present state of Manipur continue to place their confidence in your dynamic leadership and wish you good health and every success.

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President Vice President
United Naga Council United Naga Council

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General Secretary President
United Naga Council Anal Naga Taangpi

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President President
Bujuur (Moyon) Aanchung Puh Tangkhul Naga Long

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President Chairman
Kharam Naga Hoho Zeliangrong Baudi (Manipur)

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President President
Chiru Tribal Hoho Thangal Naga Union

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President President
Chothe Lim Abom Manipur Inpuii Naga Union

President President
Poumai Masou Me Tarao Tribe Union

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President President
Mao Council Maring Uparup Assembly

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President President
Maram Naga Union Sirti Upa Ruh
(Monsang Tribe Union)

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President President
Lamkang Naga National Council Naga Peoples’ Organisation (Senapati)

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President President
Chandel Naga Peoples Organisation All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur

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Convenor President
Naga Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights(South) Naga Women’s Union

Copy for information and necessary action to :-
1. Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Hon’ble Home Minister, Government of India, North Block, Delhi.
2. Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Hon’ble Leader of the Opposition, Union of India.
General Secretary

23rd December, 2012
Dr. Manmohan Singh
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block
New Delhi

Immediate intervention of the Government of India on the communal onslaught on the Nagas in Manipur by the dominant community of Imphal valley and the communal Government of Manipur.
Hon’ble Sir,
The indefinite bandh imposed in Imphal valley of Manipur with effect from midnight of 21st December by the Film Forum Manipur & Manipur State Shumang Leela Council and others in protest against the reported incident of the manhandling of an actress Ms. Momoko by one Mr. Livingstone, a cadre of the NSCN(IM) at Chandel on 18 December, 2012 has been so consummately orchestrated by communal forces of the Imphal valley and the communal Government of Manipur so that the life, property and movement of Nagas have been left without any protection.

In the last 41 hours Nagas preparing the Churches for Christmas celebration in Imphal areas were not allowed to continue their works in the church premises. Coffins of dead bodies being taken to villages were disrespectfully banged upon and their free passage disturbed. Nagas have been beaten up at Khongjom. A Naga village at Lanthung Ching has been provoked into physical clash with warnings to leave the valley and go back to the hills. Buses and passengers carrying Nagas from Imphal to the villages have been forcibly stopped by mobs in the valley in full view of state police forces and the passengers were pulled down and divested of their personal belongings, which were burnt and destroyed. Vehicle belonging to Tribals and Nagas have been stoned and shot at with catapults. Church goers have not been allowed to go to attend the Sunday service. The slogans from PA systems in the localities of Imphal valley are “There will be a war between Meities and Haos”, “Every Naga will be killed”. Many more other reports are pouring in. The narration can go on. The valley militant groups and many Meitei civil societies are behind this orchestra of violence. The Government of India intelligence services will provide your good office with the details of the explosive situation. There is no government and rule of law. A communal carnage is about to take place in Manipur.

The Manipur State Home Minister is on record that the issue of manhandling of Actress Momoko came to the Government’s notice only after 48 hours had elapsed. The bandh was announced all of a sudden without any prior information. The preplanned attacks indicates without any doubt that the communal forces were waiting for an excuse that was provided by the reported Momoko incident. The main target of the communal forces was to disturb the celebration of Christmas. It is a premeditated attack on Nagas and on Christians. The aberration of one man has been heaped upon the entire Naga people. A localized incident, which had no political or communal issue has been capitalized and blown out of proportion very obviously to disturb the impending Indo-Naga settlement.

The threat of violence that have been freely aired in seminars, workshops, ISTV programmes on a daily basis from Imphal valley is being acted out. The communal forces in Imphal valley have been equating the impending settlement of the Indo-Naga issue with a “time bomb” in public discourses and have been stridently inciting sentiments against the same. The threats freely given out in the public domain and in the ears of the State Government is finally come into place. Why were prohibitive orders not passed when the State Government was very much aware that such rioting and violence were going to happen? The State Government remained a mute spectator which implies that the violent drama has been sponsored by it. To add to the unfortunate situation, His Excellency, the Governor of Manipur remains deafeningly silent while the constitution of the country and the rule of law is being overrun by the communal forces.

Nagas are not communal. The guilty in the manhandling case must face the hands of justice. But Sir, you will kindly appreciate that we had in our memorandum dated 14th September, 2010 drawn your attention to the grave potential for communal confrontations and violence which could flare up at the slightest provocations, intentional or perceived as such by any community.

We are therefore placing this submission for the immediate intervention of the Government of India. Should the same be not forthcoming, left without any democratic options, we shall be compelled to take our own course to protect the lives, property and dignity of our people.

Yours faithfully

United Naga Council

Copy for information and necessary action to Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Hon’ble Home Minister,
Government of India, North Block, Delhi.

United Naga Council


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