Moreh Football Cup-2013


    MOREH, Jan 25: Moreh Football Cup-2013’ oraganised  ‘from 20 Jan to 25 Jan 2013 by  9 Assam Rifles of 26 Sector  under HQ IGAR (South) and All Manipur Football Association (AMFA) concluded on 25 Jan 13.

    The tournament conducted over six days saw the players of ten registered football clubs sweat it out on the ground with great zeal, enthusiasm and sportsman spirit.

    The closure ceremony of the tournament was presided over by Brig Rajiv Mankotia, Commander, 26 Sect AR. He lauded the joint efforts made by Assam Rifles and AMFA in promoting football in the state and channelising the energies of the Manipuri youth in the right direction. Ranjit Roy, general secretary AMFA, Jotemore, joint secretary AMFA were present amongst various dignitaries.

    Moreh Football Cup Final match was kicked off with Commander, 26 Sect AR presenting the official ball to the two teams after a brief introduction with the players.

    The final match was played  between AMOFA of Bishenpur and DMRAO of Imphal West. The winners AMOFA of Bishenpur were presented with a cash prize of Rs 25,000/- alongwith the coveted football trophy and individual gold medals.

    The teams standing second and third in the tournament bagged a trophy each alongwith a cash prize of Rs 15,000/- and Rs 10,000/- respectively in addition to the individual silver and bronze medals.

    The best player and the most promising player of the tournament were also awarded a cash award and a trophy. Each team  presented with a participation certificate and our friends from Myanmar were also felicitated to appreciate their talent. Assam Rifles also displayed the military pipe band.


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