ZORO’s statement in support of Kuki movement in Manipur


Zo-Reunification Organisation (ZORO)
General Headquarters, Zoram
Treasury Square, Aizawl -796001, Mizoram, India
Phone: 9615307146/9436155941

6 February 2013

Discussion on Zo Indigenous Nation (Chin-Lushai-Kuki)’s Problems in Northern Region of Zo Territories

Members Present: Representatives of Mizoram Chief Council, MHIP, MUP, MSU and the representatives of Kuki State Demand Committee of Manipur.

After having self-introduction from the various organisations present in the meeting, the representatives from Manipur i.e. Kuki State Demand Committee (KSDC) explained their problems and asked for the support of the peoples of Mizoram.

The meeting decided to have a resolution supporting the Kuki movement as follow:


The consultative meeting under the aegis of ZORO represented by the Mizoram Upa Pawl (MUP), Mizo Chief Council, Kuki State Demand Committee, MHIP and MSU adopted the following resolutions with regard to the demand for statehood for the Kukis in Manipur by the Kuki State Demand Committee on this day the 6th February 2013 at F. W. Savidge Hall in Aizawl.

1. The meeting unanimously resolved after threadbare deliberation of the atrocities committed by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM), Meitei underground’s killing of the Kuki people and the then indifferent attitude of the government of Manipur towards development of Kuki to put up at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

2. Resolved to fully give moral support to the KSDC demand for Kuki state in Manipur.

3. Resolved to pressurise the government of India and government of Manipur for political solution of the Kuki problems before any political settlement is given to Naga or NSCN-IM in the present administrative area of Manipur state.

Sd /-
General Secretary


Kukiforum News


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