Manipur police dept needs cleansing: O Joy


IMPHAL, April 29: O. Joy Singh, advisor of the Manipur People’s Party (MPP) and a  former MLA today said that democratic administration is being enforced in Manipur as part of India adopting democracy.

But it is not right that rules and regulations and actions of a Police state are being adopted in a democratic country, he continued.

“It is unfortunate that the State police force got involved in various crimes relating to drug smuggling, activities of proscribed organizations, bomb and gun smuggling, vying for contract work, kidnapping for ransom, rape etc which continues unabetted in Manipur.”

“Though there are some good, dutiful police personnel, it is necessary to cleanse the Manipur police department,”  O. Joy Singh said while addressing a press conference at the party office.

He further said that it is the weakness of the police department and the Manipur government that there are Lakhpatis/crorepatis among police personnel.

He continued the real owners of the seized drugs are concealed and not brought to book according to law.

“Will the Police department of Manipur be first cleansed as per the police commission or by setting up another commission?”, he asked while validating that a cleansing of the police systems in the state is long overdue.

At the press conference, N. Sovakiran Singh, President of MPP and Senior Member Nabashyam also spoke in connection with the issue.


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