`Maintain love and unity to bring development`


MOREH, December 29: The 1st foundation day of Minou Youth Club was held today at the community hall of the village in Chandel district Machi block.

The foundation was inaugurated by the chief guest of the function D Mathew, District Social Welfare Officer, Social Welfare, Manipur at 9.30 am.

Dongreingam, convenor of TBPT presided over the foundation day while T Korouphun, president of Maring Students’ Union attended as guest of honour respectively.

The chief guest of the function D Mathew talked on the topic ‘Challenging the Existing’.

During the talk, Mathew appealed to the gathering youth to apply in their lives the ‘forgive and forget’ lesson and also to maintain love and unity among themselves so that the Minou Youth Club will be developed to certain extend.

He mentioned that it is very necessary for the youth not only indulge in sports but also mould discipline and character.

He also mentioned that all the villages of Manipur will be developed when there is responsible leaders in each and every village of the state.


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