State racing against time in utilising NEC fund


IMPHAL, December 22: The state could loss a huge chunk of funds released by the North Eastern Council (NEC) for the annual plan 2013-14, if major departments funded by the council do not accelerate the pace for implementation of the projects before the end of the current financial year. This come in the wake of the clarion call from the chief minister Okram Ibobi to department heads to utilize 60 per cent of the planned outlay of the state for 2013 -14 by the end of December.

According to highly official sources, the state has able to utilised only Rs 8.39 crore till the period ending December 15, 2013 out of the total amount of Rs 59.82 crore released by the NEC for the annual plan for 2013-14.

The sources while breaking down the allotment of fund informed that Rs 4.16 crore was released to power sector, Rs 30 crore to PWD, Rs 1.75 crore to health department, Rs 2.48 crore to HRD, Rs 4.51 crore to tourism, Rs 8.53 crore to IFCD & WSM, Rs 7.57 crore to horticulture and agriculture, and Rs 95 lakhs for arts and culture.

It further informed that giving major thrust to development of infrastructure in roads, power, health, IFC & WSM, agriculture and allied fields and HRD, the NEC has released a total of Rs 222.94 crores for the 12th Five Year Plan upto 2013-14.

There are a total of 58 ongoing projects and six new projects are being taken up and the cumulative fund released for these projects and new projects is Rs 220.44 crores. However, so far it has been able to utilize only Rs 120.48 crore while leaving an unspent balance of Rs 99.96 crore.

The same sources further disclosed that the sector wise fund released and utilised during 12th Five Year Plan upto 2013-14 are 44.71 crores for the year 2011-12 and utilization of Rs 37.16 crore. In 2012-13 the NEC released Rs 68.83 crore and utilised Rs 56.82 crore, and Rs 59.82 crore for the current year 2013-14 against the utilisation of Rs 8.39.

In total the cumulative expenditure stands at Rs 120.48 crores against the fund sanctioned totaling Rs 222.94 crores. Meanwhile, the expenditure status was recorded to be nil in three sectors including health, horticulture and agriculture and arts and culture.


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