Tapir Gao to assess intending candidates


IMPHAL, Dec 29: National general secretary BJP (In-charge Manipur) Tapir Gao arrived at Imphal today.

A source said that the general secretary will assess the intending candidates who have applied for party ticket for the upcoming Lok Sabha election.

He will assess the candidates’ potential and the report will be submitted to the party high command for recommendation for the party ticket for the 16th Lok Sabha Election, 2014, said the source.

The source has also informed that three people have applied for party tickets for the inner constituency-Dr RK Ranjan, O Indira and Joy Raj.  

Another three individuals-Prof Gangmumei Kamei, Lolly Adani and yanglet Haokip- could be applying for party tickets from the Outer constituency, party insiders believed.

A highly placed source said that as per decided at the national level by the central committee of BJP, the names of the BJP candidates for the 16th Lok Sabha Election will be announced.

Meanwhile, Sapam Nandakeshore who had won 9th General Assembly Election from Patsoi AC along with 4000 workers joined the BJP Manipur Pradesh today during a simple function held at Patsoi. The workers were officially enrolled to the BJP in the presence of national general secretary Tapir Gao and other Manipur BJP Mandal leaders, said a source.


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