Village chief clarifies on bridge pulling down


By R Lester Makang

UKHRUL, January 10: Strongly reacting to news reports published in a local daily wherein blame for dismantling of a minor bridge at Chihui Kong on January 7 was attributed to Khangkhui Khullen village in Ukhrul district, headman KA Rinsem has today said that it was carried out by the concerned contractors as part of their construction works and that he and his village had no hand in the incident.

Clarifying this at a press conference held at Phungreitang in Ukhrul on Friday, KA Rinsem said that he and his village had nothing to do with pulling down of the bridge but it was executed by the concerned contractors who are engaged in construction of the new alignment road.

Further replying to the allegations levelled by Khangkhui Khunou against Khangkhui Khullen of attempting to switch construction of the link road to a new alignment, he said that new alignment of the road to be constructed under PMGSY was jointly undertaken by three villages viz. Choithar,Khangkhui Khunou and Khangkhui Khullen respectively.

“Khangkhui Khunou was very much a part of that joint undertaking,” he said while adding that even ‘No Objection’ certificate has been issued in this regard.

Meanwhile, Choithar village chief AS Abraham Angam while condemning the alleged assault on Khangkhui Khullen headman and youth president by villagers of Khangkhui Khunou on January 7 has said that such act was uncalled for.


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