Discussion on Hedge commission report and AFSPA held


IMPHAL, February 21: A one day discussion on “Supreme Court appointed Justice N Santoh Hegde Commission Report and AFSPA, 1958” was held at Sugnu Makha Leikai Hall today.

The discussion was jointly organised by the Langjing Youths Games Society Educational and Development Association, Sugnu and the North East Dialogue Forum (NEDF).

Speaking as the resources person during the discussion H Nobokishore, convenor NEDF, stated that on pretext of internal conflict AFSPA is being imposed in the state for several years resulting in gross human violation like extra judicial killings, rape etc.

He pointed out that AFSPA cannot be imposed in a state where there is no armed conflict adding that given the situation, he suggested that it is high time that both Union and state Government to declare a conflict zone after consulting the UN.

“If the Government does not acknowledge that Manipur has an armed conflict AFSPA should be repealed”, he added.

Other who participated in the discussion were Advocate W Basanta, member of NEDF, Kimboi Haokip etc.

At the end of the discussion the gathering adopted several resolutions including to urge the Government of India to fully implement the recommendations by the UN Treaty bodies to repeal the AFSPA, 1958 besides respecting and implementing the Geneva conventions, 194’s common article 3 and additional Protocol II of 1977.

It also resolved to urged to sign and commit to the Geneva Call’s Deed of Agreement on gender violence besides demanding to establish Special Investigtion Unit (SIU) comprising of women representatives to take up cases on crime against women and children etc.


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