Ccpur hosts moral boosting program for PwDs


LAMKA, March 2: The Churachandpur District Disabled Union (CDDU) organized a one-day awareness program for persons with disability (PwDs) and their parents/guardians – cum – CDDU general assembly on Saturday.

The program was supported by LiLane Foundation (LF) and held at the EBC mini-auditorium, Dorcas Hall, Hereon Veng, New Lamka.

Langkhanpau Guite, chairman ADCC who was to inaugurate the program couldn’t attend the program due to some emergencies.

The president of CDDU, T Siammuanthang while giving the keynote address said that the disabled have little opportunity for exposure and are usually laid back.

He had said that more such programs will be held for the disabled of the district.  

Self-confidence and self-reliance will take us to places, he observed.

The president of CDDU also handed out special memento to Vunglallian, proprietor of Lalpuithluaii Foundation School, for his untiring concern for the disabled as, the president said, was shown by his initiative like providing free computer education, even in time of power failure, to the disabled apart from his monetary help and even to the extent of providing Laptop to the disabled.

Pauzagin Tonsing, secretary Centre for Community Initiative (CCI) on the occasion, give a power-point presentation and speech on the Rights, schemes and benefits for PwDs.

Many of the more than hundred differently abled individuals who had gathered at the program had already made their marks in their chosen professions like mechanic, artist, computer, missionary etc.  

Muanboi, who is visually impaired and presented a song at the program said that, “We all are given talent by God and we should make use of it.”

Today’s program was organized with the objective to create awareness to the disable of the district and its related issues which also aim to build self-esteem, confidence and motivation for the PwDs.


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