Court orders extension of service for principal


IMPHAL, March 1: The High Court of Manipur has order that the Principal of Liberal College, Dr Thokchom Khelendro Singh be allowed to continue his service beyond 60 years. The order was passed by Justice N Kotiswar Singh on February 26 following the writ petition (C ) number 35 of 2014 filed to the court by Khelendro.

Representing the petitioner, senior counsel N Kumarjit had prayed that the same Court had directed the government advocate to pass a similar order regarding two other separate cases of superannuation filed to court. The court had directed that the earlier petitioners shall continue their service till they attend the age of 62 years.

Further, that the petitioners are continuing to serve on the strength of the orders passed in the earlier writ petitions and that, the government has already initiated the process for extending the age of retirement of teachers serving in the Aided Colleges to 65 years.

Kumarjit prayed the Court that a similar order be passed in favour of the petitioner Thokchom Khelendro and allow his service beyond 60 years. After hearing the prayer, Justice N Koitswar after considering the materials on record viewed that the petitioner is entitled to interim relief. Hence, it was directed that until further order, service of the petitioner will not be discontinued merely on the ground that he has already attained 60 years of service.   


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