Community awareness on Chakpi multipurpose project held


CHANDEL, MAY, 24: A One Day district level community awareness cum consultation on the-would-be impacts due to the proposed construction of the Chakpi multipurpose project was held at the Chandel Christian village conference Hall today.

Organised by the Naga Women’s Union in collaboration with Naga Women’s Union Chandel, secretary of Chandel District Core Committee (CDCC) Ht Francis, secretary general of NPMHR Dr Gina Shangkham, convener of Gospel Friends Chandel, St Luckson and convener of NPMHR S Phamhring attended the consultation as the main speakers.

During the daylong program it was resolved and affirmed that the participants of the program would strife to defend and protect the integrity of their land for survival of coming generation.

The consultation also adopted several resolutions including to stop survey work undertaken by GSI and IFCD, call for an immediate revocation of the MoU signed, revocation of the contract etc and to pursue the government to take free, prior and informed consent of all affected people.

A paper on Chakpi Multipurpose Dam Facts was also circulated amongs the participants.


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