“I am prepared to run affairs of State, if party (NPF) asks me to do”: Noke Wangnao

By Oken Jeet Sandham
Noke Wangnao, Minister, PHED
Noke Wangnao, Minister for Public Health Engineering Department (PHED)

KOHIMA, May 2 (NEPS): Veteran regionalist and NPF legislator from Mon, Noke Wangnao, Minister for PHED, said he was not only the senior most legislator in the 12th House of Nagaland Assembly but also undisputed one. He also made it very clear that he was prepared to lead the State if the party (NPF) asked him to do so.

Talking to NEPS here on Friday, the Minister was, however, apprehensive that the NPF Party would suffer split if they could not solve differences amongst them. “But I am prepared to run the affairs of the State if the party (NPF) asks me to do so,” he said.
Dismissing rumors that he had declined to leadership on Chief Minister’s post on health ground, Wangnao said his health was perfectly alright. “My health is intact unlike some young legislators who usually complained of many health problems,” he pointed out.
The Konyak strongman disclosed that Members of Eastern Nagaland Legislators’ Union (ENLU) had a meeting on 28th April at Kohima and reaffirmed their “resolution” that was passed on February 12 last at Dimapur. He said ENLU Members were united under his Chairmanship and they would give one voice on whoever would be the next leader of NPF legislature party.
“I also cautioned our ENLU Members to be firm on our decision as many things would come to us during such critical political situation as per my political experience spanning 40 years,” Wangnao pointed out.
He, however, further disclosed that they had never discussed on his leading the NPF legislature party within ENLU nor had anyone approached him for the same. “That is why I said I am not the contender for the top job in the State. However, if the party (NPF) feels that I should lead, I am prepared for it,” he said. “As far as my health is concerned, I am perfectly alright.”


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