JD(U) respects the parliament but not the MP elect


IMPHAL, May 22: Janata Dal (United) doesn’t honour the electd Member of Parliaments (MP) of Manipur but does honour their certificates because every section of people in Manipur knows that the Congress Party manipulate the elections to win the recent Lok Sabha polls. This was stated by Moiranthem Tombi President JD (U).

“JD(U)) will support Irom Chanu Sharmila on her wish to meet Prime Minister elect Narendra Modi during her Delhi visit for appearing in the Delhi Metropolitan Patiala House Court who has sent her a summon in a case,” the JD(U) president said in a press meet in the JD(U) office at Babupara on Thursday afternoon.

“A team of JD (U) members will go to Delhi on May 25,” he said. Sharmila has been fasting for more than 13 years demanding repeal of Armed Forces Special Power Act, 1958 from Manipur and entire Northeast region. Unfortunately, the government has confined her in judicial custody under the charge for committing suicide till now.”

He added that AFSPA violates the rights of innocent civilians of Manipur by including provisions that act as licence to kill instead of helping people in insurgency prone areas.

Congratulating the BJP on its historic landslide victory in the recent LS polls, he said that the new NDA government led by Narendra Modi will govern well in the future, taking up positive actions on various burning issues of Manipur like controversial Indo-Myanmar boarder fencing, removal of AFSPA, forming a National Highway Protection Force to control the illegal collection of tax from people of Manipur on NH-2, formulating a long term education policy and addressing that unemployment problem in the state.

He appealed to the state government to take not much time in repairing the Hanging Bridge on NH-37 that BRO has set a deadline of 5 days for its completion.

On NH-2 at Mao Gate, NSCN-IM which is under a cease fire agreement with the Central government is collecting illegal taxes. The two national highways are the lifelines of 32 lakhs people of Manipur. If both are blocked or the driver who ferry goods for people go on strike, businessmen will benefit a lot by hiking prices of essential commodities. On such situation, the government in the state should not stay as a silent spectator, he said.

Alleging the two Congress MPs of not doing anything during the ten years in which their party was in power, he said the duo should be ashamed of themselves as they didn’t speak even for half an hour in Parliament, asking what can be expected of them now that they are in the Opposition.



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