MPCB engages international experts to purify Nambul, Waisel Maril


IMPHAL, May 20: The contaminated water of Nambul river and Waisel Maril stream is going to be clened through a waste water treatment project (WWTP). This was stated by Chairman of the Manipur Pollution Control Broad Dr Ng Bijoy.

After inspecting the Nambul river water and Waisel Marin stream for two days along with an international expert to initiate the water treatment plan, Dr Bijoy held a press conference at his chamber. According to him, the state has invited Dr Shashi Mazumder, a California based expert who is of Indian origin along with Dr Munsang, a Korean scientist for starting a waste water treatment project in state. Unfortunately, the Korean scientist was not able to reach Imphal due to some health problems.

The experts were invited to the state with the objective of purifying the water of the two rivers which are polluted, unhygienic and emit a fetid smell, he said.

On the inspection of the two river streams, we observed that solid and liquid waste materials dumped by people have highly contaminated the river streams, he said.

“After the purification of the Nambul river, it may be setup as a recreation centre for tourists in the city, he said, “and MPCB want the Nambul River to return to its earlier form.”

He said if the project is implemented in the state, the water which now reaches the fresh water Loktak lake won’t be polluted and will be free from solid waste materials, adding that for the implement of the project, MPCB needs to study thoroughly along with the scientist whether the water contains various micro organisms.

A detail report of the project is to be submitted to a funding agency after a panel discussion on the matter. So, we need public support and various departments to implement the project in our state, Dr Bijoy pointed out.

Meanwhile, Dr Shashi Manzunder after inspecting the polluted streams which according to him has gradually reached a stage which Mother Nature can’t purify stated that a water treatment process known as Affluence Treatment Plan (ATP) is needed for purifying the contaminated water, adding that different options with multiple objectives like providing visual attraction along safe and clean water and which can be reused for agriculture.

For the implementation of ATP, we need a lengthy study of the contaminated water, identifying the level of contamination, best technology for treatment which is easily affordable and can function in the long run for more than 30 years. If the preparation is over and the work might be completed before the end of this year, he said, adding that similar problems has been solved already in some states of India like the Bharalu river in Assam, Sabarmati of Gujarat etc by successfully cleaning up the polluted water.


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