MPCC vice president’s security injured in IED blast


IMPHAL, May 18: A personnel of the 7th IRB was injured when a powerful Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded at the residence of vice president Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC), S Ahcouba, this morning.

The injured jawan has been identified as Lourengbam Bikramjit, 30, son of (L) Choaba of Singjamei Oinam Thingel was on guard duty of the residence.

He sustained splinter injury on his right hand and is currently undergoing treatment at RIMS hospital.

Sources said that the incident took place around 5.55 am.

The IED reportedly exploded near the gate of the Wangoi Thounaojam Leikai residence of S Ahcouba, 65, son of (L) Juge.

According to the injured victim, the IED was found wrapped in a plastic bag on the southern side of the gate next to the security camp of the 7th IRB personnel inside Achouba’s residence.

The bomb accidentally went off when the Bikramjit (victim) tried to push away the IED into a nearby drain.

S Achouba, chairman of the Khadi and Village Industrial Board, was reportedly out of station when the incident occurred.

Sources said that this is the second time that the Achouba’s residence came under bomb attack.

Soon after the blast, senior Police officers of the state rushed to the spot along with the state bomb expert team and examined the blast site.

Decrying the attack, womenfolk along with the club members of Wangoi Thounaojam Leikai staged a sit in protest at Wangoi Thoubam Leikai community hall.

Speaking to the media, during the sit in protest W Jitendra general secretary People’s Protection and Development Committee Wangoi, strongly condemned the attack.

While appealing the perpetrator not to carry out similar attack in residential area, demanded to clarify the motive behind the attack.

The Thounaojam Leikai Chaokhat-Khongthang Lup, Wangoi Block Congress Committee and the Wangoi Municipal Council condemned the bomb blast at the resident gate of Sagolsem Achouba Singh on May 18 at around 6 am.

In relation with the bomb blast, a sit in protest was held at Wangoi Thoudam Leikai Community Hall at 2 pm and demanded clarification from those involved, said the organisation’s secretaryin a press release.

The Wangoi Block Congress Committee in a separate press release has also questioned the reason behind the bomb threat and also demanded a clarification.

The Wangoi Municipal Council has also appealed to all concerned against carrying out such violent activities in residential areas.


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