JAC against Monica’s death block roads in Lamsang area


IMPHAL, August 14: The Joint Action Committee formed against the suspicious death of Leikangbam (n) Akoijam (o) Monica Devi, 17, wife of Akoijam Jiban Singh of Iroisemba blocked the Lamsang area.

Monika passed away at around1:30 am in the wee hours on August 8 at RIMS. Her dead body is still lying at the RIMS mortuary.

The JAC was formed today and it blocked all the roads in Lamsang area demanding the arrest of her husband and criminal proceeding against him.

The convenor of the JAC, S Shyamsunder Singh said that though they could bear testimony to the fact that Monica was badly treated by her husband and in-laws, her husband has not been punished till date.

Shyamsunder said that Lamphel Police Station’s Officer in Charge Doren and the Investigation Officer have however refused to register an FIR against Monika’s husband. He further lamented the RIMS authorities’ refusal to provide the post mortem report when it was first requested.

Members of the JAC maintained that Monica was killed by her husband and in-laws. Strictly demanding that her dead body must not be handed over to Monika’s husband, they also want the post mortem report to be handed over to them.

The JAC has also warned to intensify the agitation if their demands are not met.


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