MSAD to observe Irabot Day


IMPHAL, September 29: The Manipur Students`™ Association Delhi has said that September 30 has been observed as Irabot Day in Manipur by various organisations as he was a pioneer in various fields.

According to a release of MASAD, the objectives of organising the Irabot Day Observation was to express their respect for Irabot and the roles he had played, and to have discussion on the messages that Irabot conveyed to the people.

MASAD has further said that the association wanted to discuss the direction of the political economy of Manipur, the forms of oppression and contradiction created by the political economy, whether the condition of the state of Manipur call for a new revolution, the leadership of the revolution and the requirement needed for it and in what direction the revolution will take.

It also said that Irabot has conveyed that since the negative and positive conditions in the society are the products of the political economy, the growth of every individual can improve the conditions as no individuals can escape from the political structure, to uproot those who benefit by keeping the condition of the society underdeveloped and that democratic movement by the people is essential for the development of the society, it said.


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