Ring road affected residents call against re-alignment of route at Khabam


IMPHAL, January 12: The Imphal Ring Road Affected People Association, Khabam Lamkhai has submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister urging against the revision of the already aligned route for the Khabam Lamkhai stretch of the proposed Imphal Ring Road, association spokesperson Yenkokpam Priyokumar told media persons today during a press meet at the Manipur Press Club.

Citing that any re-alignment of the route would affect more residents, Priyokumar said in case the government fails to listen to the demand of the people, the association will take up various agitations including taking help of legal means.

He said the previously aligned route starts from the Khabam Lamkhai turning point on the National Highway 39 and continues for 300 metres east of the NH along the IVR into Khabam Village.

He said according to the official map prepared and published so far, the schedule area of the ring road runs on the northern side of the said IVR and is intervened by a canal from Khabam Lamkhai turning point towards the east.

However, it is learnt that the previous earmarked area is to be dropped and a new aligned route starting from the highway on the existing IVR has been prepared by the concerned authority he said.

The new re-align route will affect many homes and other structures including pucca building, whereas the previous route affected only two-three buildings he said.

He has also mentioned that the existing IVR of Khabam lamkhai to Khabam Village has been already earmarked and the list of affected pattadars published for expansion of the IVR in view of the ongoing development work of the Marjing Polo complex, Heingang.

Priyokumar said both sides of the IVR had already been marked for expansion which the locals had welcomed as a good initiative for development and as such several residents had already started constructing their houses well inside their patta lands.

Any new alignment for the ring road on the existing IVR will only affect this newly constructed houses also and as such the government is appealed to continue with the previous aligned route for the ring road, he said.


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