AMUCO, UCM and CCSK urge all to abstain from spreading rumour with communal tone


IMPHAL September 1: The All Manipur United Club Organisation, the United Club Manipur and the Committee of Civil Society Kangleipak (CCSK) have together appealed for peace and harmony in the wake of the violence in tribal districts following the passing of the three bills in the assembly yesterday.

The organisations have also appealed against spreading of rumours in the social network which could incite communal tension.

Condoling the loss of six lives in the responsive agitation to the passing of the three bills yesterday, the organisations voiced concerns regarding the sensitivity of the issue and present situation.

`We expressed our deepest condolence for the families of the six persons who had sacrificed their lives. There might have been shortcomings and misunderstanding among communities which should be address by joint consultations both among leaders and publics to restore our ties and move forward together,` they appealed.

Vice president, AMUCO, Ph Deban said, road blocks have been imposed along the Moreh route and several vehicles are stranded along the route.

The government of Manipur and security personnel should ensure their safety and at the same time take the responsibility of settling the issues of the people who have disagreed with the three bills, he said.

Sunil Karam, vice president UCM added, it is imperative for everyone to restrain from spreading rumour in such a sensitive juncture.

`More than 30 communities reside in Manipur and we have to live together in harmony.`

He maintained that the Act will benefit all the people of the State.

While appealing to the GoM to control the situation without adding more casualties, he also appealed to the police force to abstain from treating the people as enemies.

N Chingkheinganbi, vice president CCSK said the government should safeguard the citizens from such untoward incidents.

`We are one and should continue to uphold this oneness so that such unfortunate incidents will not repeat in future`™ she further appeals to the security personnel to uphold such ideals in their conduct.

They collectively appealed to the social media users to avoid provocating each other and spreading unfounded rumours and propagandas with a communal tone.

`Such practice might incite communal discord among the various communities residing together in the State. So it is imperative that social media users behave responsibly in such trouble times`™ they said.


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