Manipur Sangai Festival 2015: Day 2 – 9th Manipur Polo International Tournament 2015 Inauguration


9th Manipur Polo International Tournament teams:

Pool A                          POOL B

Australia                       India(B)
India (A)                       USA
England                        Thailand



22nd Nov      : Australia Vs England
23rd Nov       : India B (Manipur) Vs Thailand
England Vs India (A)
24th Nov       : USA Vs Thailand
25th Nov       : Australia Vs India (A)
India B(Manipur) Vs USA

26th Nov       : Last team of Pool A Vs Last team of Pool B

27th Nov         : Semi Finals.

Winner of Pool A Vs Runner Up of Pool B

Winner of Pool B Vs Runner Up of Pool A

28th November: Rest Day

29th November: FINAL


Photos from Inauguration day:

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