IFP Editor’s book ‘The North East Question: Conflicts and Frontiers’ hit stores in UK and USA, Indian edition in Feb


418npTl5ZyL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_IMPHAL, January 2: Imphal Free Press Editor Pradip Phanjoubam’s much anticipated book ‘The North East Question: Conflicts and Frontiers’ was released by Routledge UK and Routledge USA on November 30, 2015.

The Indian edition of the book will be launched by Routledge India January end or February at a special Indian price.

According to the publishers, the 226-page book explores the idea, psychology and political geography of Northeast India as forged by two interrelated but autonomous meta-narratives: first, the politics of conflict inherent in, and therefore predetermined by physical geography, and second, the larger geopolitics that was unfolding during the colonial period.

The promotion line of the book describes it as lucid and analytical, promising to be of great interest to scholars and researchers of Northeast India, modern Indian history, international relations, defence and strategic studies, and political science.

The foreign edition of the book is priced at 160 dollars in the US and 95 pounds in the UK.

Pradip Phanjoubam began his career as a journalist in 1986 as a sub-editor at The Economic Times, New Delhi. He has written extensively on affairs of the Northeast for many reputed publications both in the mainstream media as well as academic journals. He was a Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (2012–14) at the time of writing the book.


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