Customs Division, Imphal destroys foreign cigarettes


IMPHAL, April 22: Customs Division, Imphal led by its additional commissioner Gaikhonlung Panmei, Superintendent Disposal, Customs Division Impal Thanjam Madhai Singh and superintendent technical, customs division Imphal RK Bhumanjoy Singh destroyed confiscated cigarettes of foreign origin at the Central Revenue Complex, Lamphel today.

The cigarette packets set on fire with permission from the Shillong Head Quarter were worth Rs 5,32,500/-.

The confisticated foreign origin cigarettes had failed to carry health warnings and other requisites as prescribed by the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003, informed officials concerned.

The cigarettes were also declared unfit by the state food testing lab which is attached to CMO, Lamphel. The remarks are relayed to Shillong HQ and further Shillong HQ permits to destroy the items, the officials said.


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