RIMS suspends doctor, Gynaecologists decry


IMPHAL, Jul 12: RIMS Registrar, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department Dr L Trinity Meetei has been placed under suspension with immediate effect in connection with the death of Th Kheroda w/o Somendro of Kongpal during child delivery at RIMS on July 6.
An enquiry committee was constituted to probe into the matter and the committee submitted its preliminary findings to the Medical Superintendent on July 8.
A subsequent report submitted on July 11 stated that a comprehensive enquiry would be required so as to enable the enquiry committee to submit a detail report on the demise of Th Kheroda.
An order issued by the RIMS Director yesterday said that Dr L Trinity Meetei should not leave Imphal (headquarters) during the period of suspension without obtaining prior permission of the competent authority.
On the other hand, while condoling the demise of Th Kheroda during child delivery at RIMS, the Imphal Obstetric and Gynaecological Society Manipur has condemned suspension of Dr L Trinity Meetei in connection with the death.
Speaking to media persons in the lecture hall of Gynaecology Department, RIMS today, Imphal Obstetric and Gynaecological Society Manipur president Prof L Ranjit said that doctors always try their best to save both mothers and babies during deliveries but there are cases when doctors cannot save the mothers.
Doctors do not have the slightest intention to let mothers die during delivery. But sometimes, doctors are projected as killers when a mother dies during delivery. Such projections left doctors quite demoralised. It lacks rationale for the authority to place a doctor under suspension even before knowing the facts regarding the death of Kheroda, Ranjit decried. He then demanded immediate revocation of the suspension order.
MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) for India is 174 per one lakh, Bihar 219 per one lakh,   Uttar Pradesh 272 per one lakh, Assam 328 per one lakh and Manipur 74 per one lakh, according to an UNICEF report of 2015.
Compared to the National figure and MMRs of other States, the MMR of Manipur is quite low.
Reiterating that doctors always try their best to save both mother and baby during delivery, Prof L Ranjit said that they would be compelled to launch different forms of agitation if the suspension order is not revoked within a week.


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