Rare good stroy in recent time SHRI : Scripting history


One of the rare good stories in recent time. At the centre of the encouraging story is Shija Hospitals and Research Institute (SHRI) and the story is the first successful kidney transplant on a young patient in the State. SHRI has certainly come a long way and this is something which should be acknowledged by everyone. Maybe not the very best health care centre in the country, but definitely it has today emerged as one of the best in the North East region and this is noteworthy. The credit for this should obviously go to the doctors, the administrators, the staff and the state of the art medical equipment installed at the hospital. A long way it has come from the days when the health centre was located at RIMS road to its present location at Langol and the sense of fulfilment will be felt not only by those directly involved in running and managing the health centre but also by all the people cutting across community line. This is what a hospital should be about. With each step it takes forward, the fruit of the development should percolate down to the public and this is what SHRI has been doing all these years. Other than meeting the need of the sick and ailing, SHRI has also opened a nursing school, thereby providing opportunity to numerous young people to become professionals. A reflection that the health centre is giving something back to society.
The Shija Smile Train Cleft Project is another noble venture which has been taken up for the benefits of many who are born with cleft palates. This Mission has also been extended to Nagaland, thereby underlining the point that SHRI has set its vision beyond Manipur. And why not ? After all health care should know no boundary. The health mission taken up in neighbouring Myanmar is another example of how the health centre is ready to extend assistance to all. No doubt SHRI has been putting its best foot forward down the years, but it is an eye sore to see that nothing much has been done to improve the road leading to this health centre from Lamphel side. A bumpy ride it is for all and the situation must be worse for the patients needing medical care. Time for the Government to come to the point that the road leading to the premium private medical centre in the State is more than just a road to travel for it leads to a destination which can save lives. Repair the road and maintain it, should be the call of the Government.


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