From poetry to drama: Padmakumar’s Sandhyagi Eshei


net_shandhi_gi_esheiA play production based on K Padmakumar’s poem ‘Sandhya gi Eshei’ was today shown at the Maharaj Chandrakirti Auditorium, Palace Compound as a part of the workshop under the Theatre Rejuvenation Scheme of North East Zone Cultural Centre (NEZCC).

The production was choreographed and directed by W Lokendrajit Singh and performed by artists drawn from JNMDA and various theatre groups of the state.

W Lokendrajit is presently head of choreography at the Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy, Imphal.

The 18 day workshop was jointly organised by NEZCC, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India and Department of Art & Culture, Govt. of Manipur.

The IPR Commissioner K Radhakumar Singh IAS attended the function as chief guest.

The main objective of organising the workshop is to mould the NE theatre artistes and give them the required  exposure outside the North Eastern states.

Six resource persons namely Kshetri Jugindro , L Kishorjit Singh, Dr S Thaninleima, Ranjit Adhikarmayum, Dr N.Premchand Singh and Shri W Lokendrajit Singh conducted classes on different aspects of theatre and dance and later focused on the production which is based on noted poet K Padmakumar.

Director Lokendrajit said, the central theme of some of the poems remains the same and is still relevant in the present context. The youths are generally ignorant of the purpose and value of life, family and material growth, and the facts and importance of life and its objective.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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