Napet Palli meira paibis appeal authorities to check state forces action in their locality


Napet Palli meira paibis today alleged that state police commandos in cahoots with cadres of the SoO signatory KCP Chingkheinganba group are disturbing peace in the area.

Speaking to media persons today at the Manipur Press Club today, Napet Palli Meira paibi secretary Laishram Shanti Devi said these commandos have been picking up local villagers who were allegedly involved in the April 8 incident.

It may be mentioned that angry locals of Napet Palli had attacked the designated camp of the KCP group April 8.

She said, earlier in April when the outfit was still stationed at their designated camp inside the Napet Palli primary school campus, cadres of the outfit led by their leader Ngangom Soviet disrupted a Thabal Chongba in a nearby ground which angered the locals who on April 8 vandalised the designated camp.

Following the incident, police commandos who arrived in civvies have been picking up individuals and release them after interrogation, she said adding, such incidents have become quite frequent.

The latest such incident happened this morning around 5, when a CDO Imphal East Gypsy came in the locality with a Hyundai Verna car, Shanti said.

The commando team arrested a local identified as Yumnam Somorendro Singh, she said adding that the Hyundai car was occupied by people in civvies who could have been cadres of the KCP Chingkhei-Nganba Group.

She said the locals followed them till Porompat Police Station but Somorendro was released after some time.

The meira paibi secretary further appealed to the concerned state authority to look into the matter at the earliest and said that if the conduct of the state commando team continues it could only disturb the peaceful scenario of the area and unwanted incidents could even happen.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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