State level Sikpuiruoi celebrated amid fanfare


CCpur, Dec 13 : The State level harvest festival of the Hmar tribe, Sikpuiruoi was celebrated today with much funfare at Saikot playground here even as assortment of the tribe’s finest traditional dances and songs were on display before the revellers.

efront-5___state-level-sikpuiruoiThe festival, an annual affair of the tribe, is particularly upbeat this time around due to the creation of Pherzawl district by the State Cabinet as the announcement that came days ahead of the festival lifted the already festive ambience a tat higher.

Renowned artistes from the State and neighbouring State of Mizoram and cultural shows, traditional fashion parade, and well known choir groups have been touted as the main attractions of the festival celebrated under the theme, ‘celebration of brotherhood – back to the roots.

People from Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram have also turned up in record number to join the celebration which has already been observed in Assam a couple of weeks back. One of the organisers, LRS Puruolte said the all-embracing mood of the festival where everyone, rich and poor, young and old can participate without any social inhibition is one unique feature of Sikpuiruoi.

Source: The Sangai Express


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