Phynyx returns to rock again on May Day


IMPHAL, Apr 30: With the objective of creating awareness on child labour, drug abuse and HIV/AIDS amongst the youth, Phynyx which is one of the oldest rock bands of the State will be performing an exclusive concert under the banner “Phynyx in Classic Nostalgia” at YAC ground, Yaiskul on May Day tomorrow.

Informing this in a press meet held at the venue this evening, lead singer of the award winning rock band, Len Gangte observed that treating rock music lovers as drug users by people especially seniors is a wrong perception.

He regretted that people used to disregard the band in older times but nowadays the perception has changed as many youth can become professional rock musicians.
Len Gangte recalled that the band after a gap of 14 years performed a rock concert along with Soulmate from Shillong under the banner “Phynyx Rising” at the same venue on October 21, 2012 followed by another concert under the banner “ENCORE” on May 1 last year.
The fund raised from “ENCORE” rock concert was donated to a children home as humanitarian service, Len Gangte maintained.

He informed that the band will perform its original tracks in “Phynyx in Classic Nostalgia” concert which will also feature budding rock artists namely Jenny Thomte, Alamle Heraang and Linita Thounaojam. He also informed that Youth Street Foundation is the event management of the concert and the original tracks of the band will be added in the record label of Half Step Rock, a Bengaluru based startup and a holistic western music learning and production institute. As part of the musical event, Surjakumari, a Manipuri model based in Delhi will present a fashion show, he added.

Source: The Sangai Express


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