Nagaland: Resolutions made at the Emergency Meeting of NPF’s Central Executive Council


The Central Executive Council of the Naga People’s Front, at its Emergency Meeting on July 25, 2017, at the Party Head Office, Kohima, adopted the following resolutions:

1. Resolved to take up disqualification petition against all NPF Legislators who defied party whip issued by NPF Chief Whip Kiyanilie Peseyie on July 21, 2017 on the floor of the Assembly under the Tenth Schedule para 2 (1) (a) of the Constitution of India.

2. Condemn the unconstitutional action of the Governor in installing TR Zeliang as Chief Minister without letter of support from the original political party letterhead, and demand that the President of India immediately recall him.

3. Condemn the Speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly for his act of favouritism and nepotism, and unconstitutionally siding with his brother in law TR Zeliang, and demand his resignation on moral ground.

4. Condemn the unconstitutional Government headed by TR Zeliang for violating all Constitutional provisions, and demands his immediate stepping down.

5. Endorse the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland coalition partners’ decision to elect Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu as DAN Chairman.

6. Endorse the decision of the Disciplinary Action Committee of the party to expel 20 members of the party MLAs and suspend 11 party MLAs for anti-party activities which are detrimental to the unity and integrity of the party.

7. Recommend immediate suspension of EE Pangteang from the party for anti-party activities.

8. Extend full support to the leadership of Party President Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu.

9. Endorse and recognise the election of Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu as the Leader of NPF Legislature Party, and considering that he has more than one-half support of the NPF party legislators, demand that he be officially recognised as such by the Nagaland Legislative Assembly with necessary protocol arrangements due to him.

10. Endorse the support extended by the Party President Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu to the Prime Minister of India for his sincere attempt to bring an early solution to the Naga political problem and to curb corruption in the country.

11. Approve the Core Committee constituted by Party President Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu on July 24, 2017.

12. Approve the dissolution of NPF Working Committee and Finance Committee by the Party President in accordance with the powers conferred on him vide Article V, Clause 10 read with Article IV, Clause 4 of the party Constitution.

13. Resolve to introduce Personal Confidential Report (PCR) system for all responsible members of the party with effect from July 2017.

14. Issue a clarion call to party legislators who have been misled by selfish elements to come back to the fold of the party to avoid severe penal repercussions since henceforth, all forms of anti-party activities will attract immediate disciplinary actions, be they party functionaries or legislators.

15. Recommend dissolution of the NPF Peren Division and all frontal organisations of the party in the Division for siding with expelled legislators.

Resolution Committee:
Zaku Tsukru, Convenor
Phushika Aomi, Member
Pusazo Luruo, Member
Blaise Ihielung, Member
Sebastian Zumvu, Member Secretary

This Press Release was sent by NPF Bureau, who can be contacted at npfpressbureau(at)rediffmail(dot)com.


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