Coming soon, a network for police in NE States


New Delhi, September 25 2017: Nearly three months after a network of North East Police ( NEPOL ) was announced to facilitate sharing of information between the States in the region in tackling insurgency and trans-border crime, the Assam Police has circulated a concept note in this regard.

As per the note, reviewed by HT, the network will comprise a central control room, mobile application, closed-user website, and timely alerts for seamless sharing of information on incidents of crime and smuggling among the NE States as well as Sikkim and West Bengal .

“We have distributed (the note) to the rest of the six States in the North East and to Sikkim and West Bengal.

We have received replies from some of the States.

We hope to sit with all stakeholders to decide on the actual structure of the network in a month’s time,” said Mukesh Sahay, chief of Assam Police .

NEPOL, or North East Police Organisation, was first discussed in June this year during the two-day conference of police chiefs from the region .

Sahay said the idea is to share information with “the right person at the right place on the right time in the right way”.

The network will connect top officials along with those on the ground.

Cellphones of the police personnel may be equipped with an application through which they would access the information being shared .

“We know policing is a State subject .

Therefore, we want to create a network that takes care of the sanctity of police jurisdiction and, at the same time, facilitates sharing of information to gain results on the ground in a timely action,” Sahay added .

The concept note emphasises on the “need for urgent response” in the wake of cross-border incidents of abduction, highway robbery, human trafficking, smuggling of narcotics and fake Indian currency notes or insurgency-related incidents .

Besides sharing information during the act of crime, police also require assistance from their State counterparts in locating and detaining or arresting suspects and then again at the time of prosecution when deposition of witnesses, certification of documents or personnel’s testimony in Courts become essential to the case at hand .

“There is an urgent need to evolve an effective joint mechanism that provides solution for the common problems of the region,” reads the concept note.

Source: The Sangai Express / Hindustan Times


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