Traffic police remove illegally parked vehicles


Imphal, September 11 2017: Imphal West traffic police personnel removed all the vehicles parked illegally in front of the Police HQs located next to the Chief Minister’s bungalow, considered to be one of the highly congested areas in the heart of Imphal city, today afternoon.

Imphal West traffic police under the command of DSP Traffic Imphal West, Rattana Ngasekpam, began removing all the vehicles parked in front of the police HQs, at around 9.30 am .

The Traffic DSP instructed all the vehicles, including those belonging to the staff of the police HQs, parked along the road to be taken out and parked in a proper area .

All two wheeler vehicles were instructed to park at Imphal West district police reserve line located on the western side of Imphal police station .

Some of the passers-by stated that it is a good initiative as the double parking along the road has caused many inconveniences and hardships to the common people .

They also appealed the traffic police to continue with such initiatives taking into account the grievances of the people .

Another passer-by also expressed desire for similar drive to be carried out along Kanglapat road from GM Hall upto Khoyathong PWD office as double parking by the officials and people visiting the PWD and the Minister quarters, continuously create traffic jams along the road.

Source: The Sangai Express


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