Entrepreneurship and Skill Development on Market Driven Production and Processing of High Value Crops of NEH Region” conducted


ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat successfully
closed an eight day Model Training Course on “Entrepreneurship and Skill Development on
Market Driven Production and Processing of High Value Crops of NEH Region” sponsored
by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Govt. of India
during the 8th to 15th November 2017. The valedictory function was graced by Dr. Narendra Prakash, Director, ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Umiam and Dr. I. Meghachandra Singh, Joint Director, ICAR, Manipur Centre as Chief Guest and President, respectively. A TrainingManual on the topic was also released.

In the function, Dr. N. Prakash mentioned the importance of organizing such trainings for developing skills on food processing and value additions for skill development
to support the Skill India Movement. Dr. I. Meghachandra Singh, in his presidential address, said that, the training programme might have cleared many doubts regarding production and processing of high value crops and processed products in the region as the organizing body is a multidisciplinary Institute. Dr. Kh Rishikanta Singh, Course Director of the training programme mentioned that, along with improved production packages for increasing the yield, a well-developed marketing channel is also important for earning higher revenue. To make the production and processing successful in the long run and to generate more skill manpower, training on entrepreneurship and skill development is important.

In the training programme, twenty-eight trainees comprising of Professors, Assistant
Professors, Agriculture Officers, Extension Officers etc., from the Agricultural Universities,
State Agriculture Departments, SMS and Technical Officers from different KVKs from the
states like Manipur, Nagaland and Maharashtra, were participated. Lectures on various
topics related to the value addition, high value agricultural products and entrepreneurship
development etc. were delivered by Scientists and experts from different organizations

This Press Release was sent by Dr. T. Basanta Singh, who can be contacted at basantasingh(dot)t(at)gmail(dot)com.


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