Rapist father sentenced to life


IMPHAL, Jan 5: In the first ever landmark judgement of 2018, Special Judge POCSO Imphal East Gaiphusillu Golmei today announced the first ever life sentence under POCSO Act 2012 against a man convicted for raping his own daughter, along with imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.
The 42 year old convict/ father of the victim, was produced before the Court from Sajiwa Central Jail for the sentence hearing.
Before the convict was brought to the Court, his wife along with other family members had gathered at the Court complex upon getting information regarding the announcement of the sentence against the convict.
During the sentence hearing today, the Court heard the Public Prosecutor and the defense counsel of the convict.
The public prosecutor submitted that the individual was convicted for committing aggravated sexual assault against the minor victim on three different occasions, and prayed for the Court to punish him to the maximum degree as the victim also happens to be the only biological daughter of the convict and the convict, himself, knew that the offence he committed is against the law.
On the other hand, the defense counsel of the convict prayed for lesser degree of punishment pointing out that no other allegations, except the present one, has been made against the convict so far and he is not a habitual offender.
The defense counsel also submitted that the convict has no prior conviction in connection with any criminal offence and he has also been in judicial custody since September 28, 2016.
The defense counsel further prayed for setting aside the period from the sentence.
After hearing both the public prosecutor and the defense counsel, the Court sentenced the 42 year old convict to undergo rigorous imprisonment for life.
The Court also directed him to pay a fine of Rs 1 lakh to the victim girl.
The Court further directed the maximum permissible compensation of Rs 2 lakh payable under the scheme of the Social Welfare Department be awarded to the victim after approaching the appropriate authority. The Court order also instructed the permissible compensation payable under scheme (s) of the Manipur State Legal Services Authority be awarded to the victim and send the necessary order copies to DC Imphal West and Member Secretary, Manipur State Legal Services Authority.
It may be mentioned that Imphal East women police station Sub Inspector Syed M Reshme, filed the charge sheet before the Court after thorough investigation of the case, in no less than four months after a complaint was lodged by the victim’s mother at the police station in September 19, 2016.
The convict was arrested the next day after the complaint was filed, on September 20.

Source :The Sangai Express


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