NE militants move to Myanmar


GUWAHATI, SEPT 9: Northeast India Rebel groups including United
Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), the National Liberation Front of
Tripura (NLFT), and the Karbi Longri National Liberation (KLNL) have
moved their bases to Myanmar from neighboring country Bangladesh after
Bangladesh authorities cracked down their activities, according to top
official reports.
According to sources, northeast insurgent groups have now shifting
their bases to Myanmar from Bangladesh due to continuous cracking down
their bases in Bangladesh.  Bangladesh authorities recently destroyed
more camps of the Tripura based militant of NLFT in Khagrachari
Districts of the Chittagong Hill Tracts near the Indian border. In
last one and half year, camps were reconstructed inside Myanmar, which
shares a 1,650-kilometer border with India, the report said.
Last year, Bangladesh authorities arrested ULFA Chairman Arabinda
Rajkhowa, external secretary Sasha Dhar Choudhury, Dy c-in-c Raju
Baruah and many more from their soil. They are now facing several
charges in Bangladesh courts. The reports said the Indian government
had taken up issue of the insurgent groups moving into Myanmar with
the Burmese military junta. Burmese military authorities have several
times promised the Indian government they would expel the groups from
Burma, but so far no action has been taken yet against the northeast
The Indian rebel groups like ULFA, KNLF and NLFA stayed at their
hideouts n Bangladesh to wage war against the Indian government for
independence for the past few years before the recent crackdown by
Bangladesh authorities.

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